By the Path of Ukrainian Jews
Elena Izmailova: Odessa, Ukraine
Elena is creating 3 trips for teens and young families to explore the Jewish history and modern Jewish community in Ukraine to open dialogue between different communities and provide an enriching look at Ukraine’s history and Reform Jewish life.
My Judaism
Hernan Rustein: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hernan is creating a space in Argentina for marriages with LGTBQ couples and mixed religion couples. He has created a facebook campign for people to share short videos of their Judaism, creating a more open environment and space for Reform Judaism to grow in his community.
Camp Machane Olami (International Camp)
Fleur Jendroska: Kiel, Germany
Fleur is developing a camp to bring together 9 European Netzer chapters (Netzer Barcelona, Belarus, France, Germany, LGY, Netherlands,Russia, RSY, Ukraine) to spend an unforgettable summer together. The goal is to create a camp with kids from many different nationalities and Jewish backgrounds, creating a platform to connect, learn with and from each other and build international friendships.
Netzer Madrichim Experience Ukraine
Yevgen Bruckman: Hannover, Germany
Yevgen is developing a trip to Ukraine for Netzer madrichim (counselors) from Germany to overcome the gap between the German and Russian speaking madrichim in Germany and bring in the Reform movement in Germany closer together. Yevgen has identified the tension between Russian speaking and non Russian German Jewis as a major challenge that faces Netzer Germany today, and hopes this project will begin building bridges to address this challenge.